Denver Digital

Content DevelopmentHow to Create a Killer Landing Page That Converts

How to Create a Killer Landing Page That Converts

Your landing page is the first thing a customer will see before they (hopefully) buy from you. However, slapping a few facts and a “buy now” link next to a stock photo isn’t going to cut it anymore. 

An optimized landing page is a core part of your business’ larger SEO strategy. The following tips can help you focus your landing page and sales funnel to grow your sales. 

How to Optimize Your Landing Page

Landing pages are not static. You should always be tweaking to improve performance, rewriting copy or adding new content to improve your conversion rate.

A/B Testing

The simplest thing that you need to do to optimize your landing page is an A/B test. This is when you run two versions of your landing page, with a single difference between the two. Maybe it’s a different picture or a different font. 

You can then compare the impact of that change, and see which version gets more conversions. By running an A/B test, you can determine whether you should 

Use Videos

You should include video content on your landing page. It is more engaging to customers and can increase conversion by up to 86 percent – which represents a massive amount of potential revenue. 

Original video content is always better. A simple walkthrough of what your product does, an explanation or personal story about your business, or even an animated infographic all create depth and keep the customer on the page longer. 

Keep the Page Lightweight

An extremely important variable in determining how well your landing page is how well it loads. The faster your page loads, the less likely your leads will click away – lowering your overall bounce rate.

Make sure that all your photos are compressed so that they load quickly, as this is usually what will slow down a page.

Have Different Desktop and Mobile Pages

With the rise of the smartphone, a substantial amount of internet traffic now comes from phones, which load slower than computers do. You should always test your landing page layout on both desktop and mobile layouts. As phones and tablets have smaller screens, they can squish or improperly load pages. 

Also, be aware that your page will load at different speeds on computers and on mobile.  If you have a separate mobile landing page that has fewer photos, it can lead to a better user experience. 

Landing Pages Are just a Part of the Puzzle

Putting the effort in to remake your landing page constantly can help you keep your conversion rate high. However, tweaking your landing page is only a small part of your overall digital marketing strategy. 

If you want to improve your business’ SEO, you should take a look at the services that we offer. We can help you target local customers, improve the design of your website and landing pages, and boost your rankings in search engine results. 


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