Denver Digital

Social Media Advertisingwhen-are-the-best-times-to-post-on-social-media/


In our last blog post, we talked about the number of times you should be posting to your social media accounts each day.

To recap, you’ll want to post on Facebook and LinkedIn once a day, on Twitter 2 times per day and about 1.5 times per day on Instagram.

If you’ve heard that each post should have a target time stamp, you’re correct.

It’s not just about how often you’re posting, it’s also about when you’re posting—and if you think this sounds a little “out there,” ask your kids.

Any high school (or college) student will tell you that if they’re wanting to post something to one of their social media accounts, they’re far more likely to get shares and likes (which is, after all, the primary goal) at certain times of the day.

Posting outside of these “target hours” is unlikely to drive the types of results they’re looking to achieve.

The same goes for social media posts for business accounts.

The skinny

So is there one “magical” time to post?  Not exactly. But there are some general guidelines.

It’s also worth noting that people tend to browse each social media network a bit differently than the next, which means that the target time to post on Facebook is not the same as the target times you’ll want to post on Google+, Instagram or Twitter.

Tweets in the mid-afternoon (think 3 pm), tend to perform well, experts say.  Post on Instagram can perform well, well after midnight.

The key is to identify your audience.

If you’re a garage door repair company, it’s likely that your target audience is a homeowner that’s married and has one or more children. As such, posts during the early evening (ie: after work and between bedtime and dinner time) are unlikely to get much attention.

However, posts around mid-morning or lunchtime will tend to do a lot better.

If your company provides remote IT support and you’re wanting to target a national audience, your posts will need to be tailored based on time zones. Studies show that most of the US population lives within the Eastern and Central time zones, so you’ll want to take that into consideration.

Comprehensive social media strategy

We understand that keeping tabs on the number of target posts, and target time frame for your posts, can feel like a lot to keep tabs on, especially when you’re running a business.

When you work with Denver Digital we can help you manage your digital marketing; not only will this free up time in your day, so you can focus on growing your business, it can also help you have the peace of mind in knowing that your company has a thoughtful, targeted social media marketing strategy that’s aimed at increasing your customer base.

For more information on our company, the types of services we provide and/or to receive a free digital marketing consultation, call us today at 720-316-4217 to be connected with our team of experts.

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